Why ‘Soldiering on’ is not always a good thing

Do you ever try to just "soldier on" even though you know that really, you would be much better served if you had a break, got some sleep, rested and re-set?

Yep, we all do it.

This time of the year can get a bit hectic.. it is called the 'silly season' 🤪 for good reason!

The body pain, achy muscles, brain fog, and absolute, flattening exhaustion I was feeling was a timely reminder to tune into my body and take the time to rest, re-charge.

Time for me to lean more heavily on my essential oils, indeed it was my desire to be proactive in the managing of my chronic health conditions, that lead me to incorporating them in to my daily health and wellness regime to complement, not replace, the necessary medication and, at times, traditional medical intervention.

Here's a beautiful diffuser recipe to support and nurture you in your self-care routine:


That (F) word


Essential Oil Classifications