Embracing Growth: Moving Beyond Counselling Towards Personal Health and Lifestyle Objectives

In your last blog, we looked at some of the main similarities between a Counsellor and a Coach, and also at a few key differences between the two. Today, you’re going to learn about how it is possible to, in fact, work with both, what transitioning from Counselling support into Coaching support might look like.

Counselling provides a safe and nurturing space to explore and address deep-rooted issues, heal from past traumas, and develop self-awareness. The work in session will focus on understanding and resolving emotional, psychological, and mental health concerns. Through this process, individuals work on developing self-awareness and gain insights into their behaviours, beliefs, and motivations. They acquire the tools to navigate their challenges, process emotions, and cultivate resilience. This solid foundation becomes the bedrock upon which further growth can be built.

Once you have gained a solid foundation through counselling, working with a supportive coach can complement your progress. A coach can help you build on the insights gained in counselling and support you in setting and achieving specific health and lifestyle goals. They can provide guidance, accountability, and practical strategies to help you navigate obstacles, make effective decisions, and stay focused on your desired future.

The transition from counselling to coaching can be seamless, as both professionals aim to empower you and enhance your overall well-being. The combination of therapeutic insights and coaching support can help you maintain the momentum of personal growth and continue making progress in various areas of your life.

It's important to find a coach who understands your background and the work you have done in counselling. This way, they can tailor their coaching approach to align with your specific needs and provide continuous support on your path to living a healthy and happy life.

1.Reflecting on Progress: This is such an important step, before diving into new goals, take some time to celebrate and reflect upon the progress you've made during your counselling journey. Recognize the personal growth, resilience, and insights you have gained. Acknowledge the strength it took to face your challenges head-on and the courage it required to seek professional support. Remembering these accomplishments will bolster your confidence as you embark on the next phase of your journey.

2. Defining Your Health and Lifestyle Goals: To effectively work on specific health and lifestyle goals, it's important to clearly define what you want to achieve. Reflect on various aspects of your life that contribute to your overall well-being, such as physical health, emotional balance, relationships, career, hobbies, and personal growth. Consider the areas that could benefit from improvement and envision how you would like your life to look in those domains.

Setting SMART Goals: To ensure your goals are achievable and measurable, adopt the SMART framework:

  • Specific: Clearly define your objectives. For example, instead of a vague goal like "improve physical health," specify "exercise for 30 minutes, four times a week."

  • Measurable: Establish concrete criteria to gauge your progress. This could include tracking steps taken, pounds lost, or specific milestones reached.

  • Attainable: Set realistic goals that are within your reach. Balance ambition with feasibility to maintain motivation and avoid discouragement.

  • Relevant: Align your goals with your values and overarching life vision. Ensure they contribute to your overall well-being and long-term happiness.

  • Time-bound: Set a timeline or deadline for achieving your goals. This will provide a sense of urgency and help you stay focused and accountable.

3. Creating an Action Plan: Break down your goals into actionable steps. Identify specific actions, resources, and support systems needed to attain each objective. This may involve scheduling exercise routines, researching healthy eating habits, enlisting the help of a personal trainer or nutritionist, or joining communities that align with your interests. By creating a detailed action plan, you can proactively work towards your goals while staying organized and motivated.

4. Building a Support Network: Enlist the support of individuals who share similar goals or can provide guidance and encouragement along the way. Reach out to friends, family, or even online communities to find like-minded individuals who can support you during this phase. Additionally, maintain a strong relationship with your counsellor, even if it means transitioning to periodic check-ins. Their expertise and guidance can continue to be invaluable as you navigate new challenges and maintain your progress.

5. Cultivating Self-Care Practices: Self-care plays a crucial role in maintaining your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Incorporate activities that recharge and nourish you into your daily routine. This may include mindfulness exercises, engaging in hobbies you enjoy, getting enough restful sleep, and practising healthy coping mechanisms during times of stress. Prioritising self-care will provide the foundation for success as you work towards your health and lifestyle goals.

By integrating counselling and coaching, individuals can experience holistic support throughout their journey of self-improvement. They gain a comprehensive toolkit to navigate life's complexities, overcome obstacles, and sustain long-lasting change. The combination of professional guidance, self-reflection, and targeted action empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and create a fulfilling and meaningful life.

I’ve got spaces for 2 coaching clients in July/ August, in addition I also have currently a number of available counselling appointments, with some limited outside of work hours appointments.

Let me help! Book your free discovery call here to chat about how I can best support you whether it’s as a Counsellor or as a Health and Lifestyle Coach!

I’m also always available to chat in DM’s!

SOMETHING NEW- Did you catch me live on IG last week? In addition to this fortnightly newsletter, I will be showing up fortnightly on IG to share valuable tips and tricks, information relating to Women’s Health and Wellness- I'd love for you to tune in and say “Hi!”. I've also literally JUST this moment created a BRAND NEW freebie! This is a downloadable guide to diffusing essential oils with 27 recipes to support and assist in balancing your hormones- AND you are the very first (of course!) peeps to have access to this wonderful resource- GRAB YOURS HERE.

I can’t wait to connect!

Until next time,

Much love Beccy xx


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